Thursday 28 April 2011

Did somebody say a Royal Wedding? (With audio)

At the moment it seems every corner you turn, every supermarket you enter, and every paper or magazine you read, you are faced with the same thing. As many of you may have heard, our future king is to tie the knot tomorrow...

The marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton is dubbed the event of the decade. Held at Westminster Abbey, and broadcast to homes across the country, the wedding is set to be nothing less than spectacular.

Britons across the UK are set to celebrate in style. With the day off work, and the street parties arranged, the day will be one to remember. But is everyone so enthusiastic?

Speaking to students inside the Student Union at Canterbury Christ Church University, they did not seem to share quite the same degree of enthusiasm. However one said: "I have changed my shifts at work for it, so I am really excited to watch it."

You can follow the events of the day online from 6am onwards at the BBC website. Find out how to do so here.

Hear what the rest of the students had to say on the eve of the Royal Wedding here:

Royal Wedding by billywebb07

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